Should I write a Birth Plan?

The short answer is YES YES YES! I know that some people are reluctant to write one as they are aware that things can change. Although this is true, it’s still so important to have a plan for several reasons.

Firstly, it really focuses you on what you want your birth to look like. Secondly, it’s great to open up discussion with your birth partner.

Thirdly, it really helps your midwives to accommodate your wishes as much as possible.

So how should you write a birth plan?

Most importantly are the three W’s:

  • Where do you want to be? at home, in a midwife led unit or or a hospital birth.
  • Who do you want in the room? This will name birth partners but also you can state whether you want medical students or not.
  • What procedures do you not want? Such as examinations to see how dilated you are or having your waters broken.

Obviously if you are reading this I’m hoping you will be considering hypnobirthing so please write this in your plan. Many midwives are aware of the benefits of hypnobirthing and will be able to support you.

Keep your birth plan easy to read and succinct. Visual birth plans are ideal as anyone can see your preferences at a glance. Remember the more you are in control of your birthing rights the more empowered a birth you will have.

You do need a birth plan. Even if others tell you it’s not worth it as birth never goes to plan 😬
For me a plan isn’t exactly how you want your birth to unfold step by step. But how you want your birth to feel.
What feels good to you? Water? Land? Home? Hospital?
Who do you want in the room?
What lighting helps you feel relaxed?
Because as I’ve said before oxytocin is your friend during birth. You need to feel safe and happy 💗
I get clients to visualise their perfect birth, what can they smell/see/hear/feel? What comfort measures help when they are uncomfortable? Heat/cold/touch/being left alone?
Do you want pain relief? If so what’s your preference and what do you definitely not want?
Do you want vaginal exams or hands off?

Discussing this with a birth partner helps them to understand what you need too. It’s so important because without a plan you can fall foul to doing what’s most convenient for others and then it’s no longer your choice but theirs.
Also knowing what you want makes you feel so much more empowered. You are the star of the show so tell them what you want!!! ⭐✨⭐