Enrollment is closing soon for the latest No-bull Antenatal Class – join the community for just £200 for the entire 5-week class (your partner comes FREE!).
Each No-bull Antenatal Class runs for 5 weeks at 6.30pm every Thursday, in Sheringham. We cover all aspects of labour and birth, plus a postnatal session covering all of the common worries new parents can have.
- 5 week Duration
- 1-1 Support
- WhatsApp Group
- Hypnobirthing
- Workbooks
- Gift Bag
- Fun & Sociable
- Post-Natal Sessions
Enrollment is closing soon for the latest No-bull Hypnobirthing Course – join for just £120 for the entire 5-week course (your partner comes FREE!).
This course runs for 5 weeks at 6.30pm every Thursday, in Sheringham (St Peter’s Church Hall):
- 5 week Duration
- 1-1 Support
- Hypnobirthing
- Preparing for birth
- The physiology of birth
- Biomechanics for birth
- How to be the best birth partner
- Your rights and options
- How to prepare for parenthood.